ARTICLE I – Name, Organization and Purpose

1. This organization shall be known as the Hospitality and Tourism Management Academy (HTM Academy).

2. The Hospitality and Tourism Management Academy (hereafter called the Academy) is incorporated under the Laws of State of Washington as a non-profit corporation without capital stock, is not for business or profits, but for the advancement of Hospitality and Tourism Management internationally by hosting an annual meeting and publishing a journal and books when necessary.

3. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Academy shall be to promote scientific and scholarly research, to provide a venue for dissemination of findings, to exchange hospitality and tourism management knowledge, and contribute to sustainable development of the industry.

ARTICLE II – Membership and Dues

1. Members of the Academy shall be elected and inducted for their outstanding scholarly contribution to the field of hospitality and tourism management.

2. CLASSES OF MEMBERS: The Academy shall be composed of Academy Fellow, Associate Academy Fellow, Junior Fellow, Corporate and Institutional Members, Donor, Contributing, and Patron Members.

a.   Academy Fellow: Hospitality and tourism scholars who have at least 30 in Googlescholar h-index and have more than two thirds approval of the existing Academy Fellows. Academy Fellows are expected to take leading roles in running the Academy. President and Vice President shall come from this group; Academy Fellows serve as the Council.

b.   Associate Academy Fellow: Hospitality and tourism scholars who have at least 15 in Googlescholar h-index and have the approval of more than half of the existing Academy Fellows. To become a member of this group, one should be nominated by an academy fellow.

c.   Junior Fellow: Hospitality and tourism scholars who do not meet the requirements for academy or associate academy fellows. To become a member of this group, one should be nominated by an Academy Fellow or an Associate Academy Fellow.

d.   Corporate and Institutional Members: Corporations and Institutions interested in scientific work related to hospitality and tourism.
e.   Donor, Contributing, and Patron Members: Members contributing donations in excess of normal membership dues, as determined by the Executive Board

3. Candidates for Academy Fellows shall be selected by at least two-thirds (2/3) votes of Academy Fellows. Candidates for Associate Academy Fellows shall be selected by at least fifty percent votes plus one vote of Academy Fellows. Only “yes” and “no” voting options are permissible.

4. All members of the academy is expected to maintain their Googlescholar profile by making sure that only the publications they authored included in their Googlescholar profile.

5. DUES: The amount of the annual members’ dues shall be approved by the Council and at its discretion may be modified from time to time, and shall be payable by the members within sixty days after commencement of the fiscal year for which they are assessed. Dues are considered to be in arrears if not remitted by the end of this sixty-day period. Similarly, dues of newly elected members shall be payable within sixty days after the beginning of the fiscal year following the date of election and acceptance.

Failure to remit the dues payment within four months after it is in arrears may constitute due cause for the Council to place the member in the status of inactive member. Members placed in an inactive status may be returned to active status upon payment of all dues in arrears.

An amount of “lifetime dues” may be approved by the Council, and at its discretion may be modified from time to time. No change in the amount of lifetime dues shall have retroactive effect.

All dues shall be payable to the Hospitality and Tourism Management Academy Fund (hereinafter called the “Fund”), an independent non-profit organization, restricted for use as determined by the Council.

6. An Academy Fellow who wishes to be relieved of the duties of active membership and requests emeritus status, or whose dues fall in arrears for three successive years, shall be transferred to the roll of emeritus members by the approval of the Council.

7. Emeritus members shall have the privilege of participating in the meetings of the Academy, and communicating papers, but shall not be subject to its assessments. They shall neither vote nor sign instruments of election of members or officers of the Academy by action of the home secretary.

8. Resignations from membership shall be addressed to the secretary, who will report them to the Council. Not earlier than four years after a member’s resignation the Council, by a two-thirds vote, may provide for reinstatement to membership.

ARTICLE III – Officers, Council, and Committees

1. OFFICERS: The officers shall be a President, Vice-President (who shall be President-Elect), Secretary, and Treasurer. President and Vice-President shall come from Academy Fellows. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall come from either Academy Fellows or Associate Academy Fellows.

2. COUNCIL: The Council shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, Immediate Past President, the Membership Chair, the Program Chairs, the Publications Committee Chair or Co-Chairs, and all Academy Fellows.

3. EXECUTIVE BOARD: The Council shall have an Executive Board consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Founding Academy Fellows, and two other Council Member representing Committees. Founding Academy Follows are life-time members for the Executive Board.


a. Membership Committee: A chair is selected by the Council and appointed by the President. The chair does not have a voting right within the committee but has a right to appoint maximum five members from Academy and Associate Academy fellows.

b. Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President and shall include two Founding Academy Fellows and two other Academy Fellows to be agreed upon by the Council.

c. Program Committee: A chair is appointed by the President. The chair does not have a voting right within the committee but has a right to appoint maximum five members from Academy and Associate Academy fellows.

d. Publications Committee: The Publications Committee shall consist of Publications Editor appointed by the President. The editor has a right to appoint maximum five members from Academy and Associate Academy fellows.

e. Auditing Committee: The Auditing Committee shall consist of three Academy Fellows to be selected by the Council. It may be called to convene at any time by the President or by the request of any three members of the Council.

5. Term of President

a. The Presidency shall entail a two-year term. The office of the President shall normally be limited to no more than two (2) consecutive terms.

b. In case of the incapacity of any elected officer, the President will appoint another appropriate fellow to complete the term of that office. In case of the incapacity of the President while in office, the Vice President shall assume that office.


a. No officer of the Academy shall receive a salary or other compensation.
b. Officers and other Council Members of the Academy may be reimbursed for necessary travel expenses to scheduled meetings.
c. The Academy may consider the creation of a Secretariat. The operation of the Secretariat could be on a paid or unpaid basis.

ARTICLE IV – Duties of the Officers, Council, and Committees

1. PRESIDENT: The President shall discharge the usual duties of a presiding officer at all General Sessions of the Academy and at all meetings of the Council. The President, as warranted, shall be kept constantly informed of the affairs of the Academy and on its acts and those of its officers, and shall cause the provisions of the By-Laws to be faithfully carried into effect. The President shall also give an address to the Academy at the Annual Meeting. The President shall appoint prescribed and special committees and disband those whose work is finished, and shall appoint an Archivist.

2. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall discharge the duties of President in the latter’s absence and chair the Nomination Committee.


a. The Secretary shall keep records of the proceedings of the Academy, the Council, and the Executive Board.

b. The Secretary shall cooperate with the President in attending to the ordinary affairs of the Academy, and shall have charge of the preparation, printing and mailing of circulars, blanks, notification of election, announcements of meetings, etc.


a. The Treasurer shall have the custody of all the funds of the Academy. The Treasurer must deposit the funds in a bank, but shall not invest them without the authority of the Council or its Executive Board. A detailed account of all receipts and disbursements must be kept and balanced within thirty days after the Annual Meeting. A report to the Academy at the business session of the Annual Meeting shall be made of the financial status of the Academy as of December 31, preceding.

b. At the expense of the Academy, the Treasurer may be required to give bond in such amount and form and with such sureties as the Executive Board shall determine.

5. PAST PRESIDENT: The Past President shall act primarily in an advisory capacity.


a. Meetings: The Council shall meet at least two (2) times each year at the call of the President, one of which will be considered the annual business meeting and shall be held during the Annual Conference. The Secretary shall provide written notice of all meetings to the Board of Directors at least three weeks in advance of the meeting. Other than the annual business meeting, other meetings may be conducted in person, online, and via conference calls.

b. Duties: The Council shall be the responsible executive and legislative body of the Academy, and shall have all power in keeping with such responsibility.


a. The Executive Board has the executive authority and legislative powers of the Academy in the intervals between the regular meetings of the Council. No act of the Board shall, however, remain in force beyond the next meeting of the Council, unless ratified by the Council.

b. The Board shall have the power to fill ad interim vacancies, not otherwise filled by a Section, in any of the offices of the Academy.

8. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The Membership Committee shall seek to secure new members of the Academy, including Institutional and Corporate memberships. This committee shall also solicit donations to the Academy.

9. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to nominate the next Vice President, the Treasurer and the Secretary.

10. AUDITING COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of the Auditing Committee to audit the Treasurer’s accounts at the request of the President or any three members of the Council.

11. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: The Program Committee shall have charge of the arrangements for the papers and other details of each Annual and Special Meeting of the Academy, these papers and arrangements to be announced in the official Program immediately before the meeting.

12. PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE: The Publications Committee shall organize and develop a medium of publication of all the abstracts of the papers accepted for presentation at the annual conference and publish the journal.

ARTICLE V – Nomination and Election of Officers

1. NOMINATIONS: The Nominating Committee shall nominate the next Vice President, the Treasurer and the Secretary and candidates for vacant positions on the Council.


a. The Officers of the Academy (Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer) shall be elected by Academy and Associate Academy Fellows through mail ballot immediately after the Annual Meeting. The Nomination Committee shall be responsible for preparing the slate of officers and sending the ballot to all Academy and Associate Academy fellows. A majority of the votes returned shall signify election. In case there is no majority for an office, a second vote shall be taken. The Officers of the Academy shall be elected every two years. The President may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

b. All officers shall take office at the adjournment of the Annual Meeting.

ARTICLE VI – Academy Meetings

1. ANNUAL MEETING: The Annual Meeting is usually held in June at such place as the Council shall determine. The Academy shall issue a call for papers, and notify each member by mail of the time and place of the Annual Meeting not less than 180 days prior thereto.

2. SESSIONS: General sessions of the Annual Meeting, and any special meetings, shall be arranged by the Program Committee, and be announced in a printed program.

3. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings may be called by the Council or Executive Board upon written request of 15 Academy or Associate Fellows.

4. QUORUM: There is no required quorum for the Board and other business meetings. Decisions will be determined by a majority of the voting members in attendance.


This Academy, as a corporation, shall have a seal, adopted by the Council, and it may be used on Academy documents, correspondence, and awards.

ARTICLE VIII – Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Academy in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order that the Academy may adopt.

ARTICLE X – Amendments

1. The By-Laws of the Academy may be amended at any Annual Meeting or by a mail vote of the membership.

a. A copy of the proposed changes must be mailed to all active members of the Academy at least thirty days previous to the election. The By-Laws of the Academy are amended by a three-fourths majority of all members voting provided at least 30 members vote.

b. Needs for amendments may be pointed out or amendments suggested from the floor of the Annual Meeting, or may be presented in writing to the Executive Board of the Council. The Board shall consider any such proposals and if deemed appropriate shall formulate an amendment to be presented to the membership by a mail election or at the next Annual Meeting.

c. Founding Academy Follows are life-time members for the Executive Board” in Article III shall not be amended.