Restaurant and hotel customers’ sentiment analysis: Would they come back? If they would, WHEN?

(Data collected between November 1 and November 10, 2020)

This report presents the findings of a study that investigated individuals’ sentiments towards re-patronizing hotels and sit-down restaurants in the time of corona virus, based on the data collected from 822 American consumers between November 1 and November 10, 2020.

Please click here to access the COVID-19 Study: Month of November Report for the Restaurant and Hotel Industry

Prepared by:

Dogan Gursoy, Ph.D.

Taco Bell Distinguished Professor

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management

School of Hospitality Business Management, Carson College of Business, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA


Christina G. Chi, Ph.D.


School of Hospitality Business Management, Carson College of Business, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA

Oscar Hengxuan Chi

Ph.D. Candidate

School of Hospitality Business Management, Carson College of Business, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA